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class automation.TriggerScheduler()

Trigger Task execution if an event happens in the system.


  • New model is published/tagged,

  • New Dataset is created,

  • General Task failed,

  • Task metric below/above threshold, alert every X minutes

Create a Task trigger service

  • Parameters

    • pooling_frequency_minutes (float) – Check for new events every X minutes (default 3)

    • sync_frequency_minutes (float) – Sync task scheduler configuration every X minutes. Allow to change scheduler in runtime by editing the Task configuration object

    • force_create_task_name (Optional[str]) – Optional, force creation of Task Scheduler service, even if main Task.init already exists.

    • force_create_task_project (Optional[str]) – Optional, force creation of Task Scheduler service, even if main Task.init already exists.


add_dataset_trigger(schedule_task_id=None, schedule_queue=None, schedule_function=None, trigger_project=None, trigger_name=None, trigger_on_publish=None, trigger_on_tags=None, trigger_on_archive=None, trigger_required_tags=None, name=None, target_project=None, add_tag=True, single_instance=False, reuse_task=False, task_parameters=None, task_overrides=None)

Create a cron job alike scheduling for a pre existing Task or function. Trigger the Task/function execution on changes in the dataset repository (notice this is not the hyper-datasets). Notice, it is recommended to give the trigger a descriptive unique name. If not provided, a task ID is used.

Notice task_overrides can except reference to the trigger model ID: example: task_overrides={‘Args/dataset_id’: ‘${}’}.

Notice if schedule_function is passed, use the following function interface:

def schedule_function(dataset_id):
  • Parameters

    • schedule_task_id (Union[str, Task, None]) – Task/task ID to be cloned and scheduled for execution

    • schedule_queue (Optional[str]) – Queue name or ID to put the Task into (i.e. schedule)

    • schedule_function (Optional[Callable[[str], None]]) – Optional, instead of providing Task ID to be scheduled, provide a function to be called. Notice the function is called from the scheduler context (i.e. running on the same machine as the scheduler)

    • name (Optional[str]) – Name or description for the cron Task (should be unique if provided otherwise randomly generated)

    • trigger_project (Optional[str]) – Only monitor datasets from this specific project (not recursive)

    • trigger_name (Optional[str]) – Trigger only on datasets with name matching (regexp)

    • trigger_on_publish (Optional[bool]) – Trigger when dataset is published.

    • trigger_on_tags (Optional[List[str]]) – Trigger when all tags in the list are present

    • trigger_on_archive (Optional[bool]) – Trigger when dataset is archived

    • trigger_required_tags (Optional[List[str]]) – Trigger only on datasets with the following additional tags (must include all tags)

    • target_project (Optional[str]) – Specify target project to put the cloned scheduled Task in.

    • add_tag (Union[bool, str]) – Add tag to the executed Task. Provide specific tag (str) or pass True (default) to use the trigger name as tag

    • single_instance (bool) – If True, do not launch the Task job if the previous instance is still running (skip until the next scheduled time period). Default False.

    • reuse_task (bool) – If True, re-enqueue the same Task (i.e. do not clone it) every time, default False.

    • task_parameters (Optional[dict]) – Configuration parameters to the executed Task. For example: {‘Args/batch’: ‘12’} Notice: not available when reuse_task=True/

    • task_overrides (Optional[dict]) – Change task definition. For example {‘script.version_num’: None, ‘script.branch’: ‘main’}. Notice: not available when reuse_task=True

  • Return type


  • Returns

    True if job is successfully added to the scheduling list


add_model_trigger(schedule_task_id=None, schedule_queue=None, schedule_function=None, trigger_project=None, trigger_name=None, trigger_on_publish=None, trigger_on_tags=None, trigger_on_archive=None, trigger_required_tags=None, name=None, target_project=None, add_tag=True, single_instance=False, reuse_task=False, task_parameters=None, task_overrides=None)

Create a cron job alike scheduling for a pre existing Task or function. Trigger the Task/function execution on changes in the model repository Notice it is recommended to give the trigger a descriptive unique name, if not provided a task ID is used.

Notice task_overrides can except reference to the trigger model ID: example: task_overrides={‘Args/model_id’: ‘${}’} Notice if schedule_function is passed, use the following function interface:

def schedule_function(model_id):
  • Parameters

    • schedule_task_id (Union[str, Task, None]) – Task/task ID to be cloned and scheduled for execution

    • schedule_queue (Optional[str]) – Queue name or ID to put the Task into (i.e. schedule)

    • schedule_function (Optional[Callable[[str], None]]) – Optional, instead of providing Task ID to be scheduled, provide a function to be called. Notice the function is called from the scheduler context (i.e. running on the same machine as the scheduler)

    • name (Optional[str]) – Name or description for the cron Task (should be unique if provided otherwise randomly generated)

    • trigger_project (Optional[str]) – Only monitor models from this specific project (not recursive)

    • trigger_name (Optional[str]) – Trigger only on models with name matching (regexp)

    • trigger_on_publish (Optional[bool]) – Trigger when model is published.

    • trigger_on_tags (Optional[List[str]]) – Trigger when all tags in the list are present

    • trigger_on_archive (Optional[bool]) – Trigger when model is archived

    • trigger_required_tags (Optional[List[str]]) – Trigger only on models with the following additional tags (must include all tags)

    • target_project (Optional[str]) – Specify target project to put the cloned scheduled Task in.

    • add_tag (Union[bool, str]) – Add tag to the executed Task. Provide specific tag (str) or pass True (default) to use the trigger name as tag

    • single_instance (bool) – If True, do not launch the Task job if the previous instance is still running (skip until the next scheduled time period). Default False.

    • reuse_task (bool) – If True, re-enqueue the same Task (i.e. do not clone it) every time, default False.

    • task_parameters (Optional[dict]) – Configuration parameters to the executed Task. for example: {‘Args/batch’: ‘12’} Notice: not available when reuse_task=True

    • task_overrides (Optional[dict]) – Change task definition. for example {‘script.version_num’: None, ‘script.branch’: ‘main’} Notice: not available when reuse_task=True

  • Return type


  • Returns

    True if job is successfully added to the scheduling list


add_task_trigger(schedule_task_id=None, schedule_queue=None, schedule_function=None, trigger_project=None, trigger_name=None, trigger_on_tags=None, trigger_on_status=None, trigger_exclude_dev_tasks=None, trigger_on_metric=None, trigger_on_variant=None, trigger_on_threshold=None, trigger_on_sign=None, trigger_required_tags=None, name=None, target_project=None, add_tag=True, single_instance=False, reuse_task=False, task_parameters=None, task_overrides=None)

Create a cron job alike scheduling for a pre existing Task or function. Trigger the Task/function execution on changes in the Task Notice it is recommended to give the trigger a descriptive unique name, if not provided a task ID is used.

Notice task_overrides can except reference to the trigger model ID: example: task_overrides={‘Args/task_id’: ‘${}’} Notice if schedule_function is passed, use the following function interface:

def schedule_function(task_id):
  • Parameters

    • schedule_task_id (Union[str, Task, None]) – Task/task ID to be cloned and scheduled for execution

    • schedule_queue (Optional[str]) – Queue name or ID to put the Task into (i.e. schedule)

    • schedule_function (Optional[Callable[[str], None]]) – Optional, instead of providing Task ID to be scheduled, provide a function to be called. Notice the function is called from the scheduler context (i.e. running on the same machine as the scheduler)

    • name (Optional[str]) – Name or description for the cron Task (should be unique if provided otherwise randomly generated)

    • trigger_project (Optional[str]) – Only monitor tasks from this specific project (not recursive)

    • trigger_name (Optional[str]) – Trigger only on tasks with name matching (regexp)

    • trigger_on_tags (Optional[List[str]]) – Trigger when all tags in the list are present

    • trigger_required_tags (Optional[List[str]]) – Trigger only on tasks with the following additional tags (must include all tags)

    • trigger_on_status (Optional[List[str]]) – Trigger on Task status change. Expect list of status strings, e.g. [‘failed’, ‘published’]. TaskStatusEnum: [“created”, “in_progress”, “stopped”, “closed”, “failed”, “completed”, “queued”, “published”, “publishing”, “unknown”]

    • trigger_exclude_dev_tasks (Optional[bool]) – If True only trigger on Tasks executed by clearml-agent (and not manually)

    • trigger_on_metric (Optional[str]) – Trigger on metric/variant above/under threshold (metric=title, variant=series)

    • trigger_on_variant (Optional[str]) – Trigger on metric/variant above/under threshold (metric=title, variant=series)

    • trigger_on_threshold (Optional[float]) – Trigger on metric/variant above/under threshold (float number)

    • trigger_on_sign (Optional[str]) – possible values “max”/”maximum” or “min”/”minimum”, trigger Task if metric below “min” or “above” maximum. Default: “minimum”

    • target_project (Optional[str]) – Specify target project to put the cloned scheduled Task in.

    • add_tag (Union[bool, str]) – Add tag to the executed Task. Provide specific tag (str) or pass True (default) to use the trigger name as tag

    • single_instance (bool) – If True, do not launch the Task job if the previous instance is still running (skip until the next scheduled time period). Default False.

    • reuse_task (bool) – If True, re-enqueue the same Task (i.e. do not clone it) every time, default False.

    • task_parameters (Optional[dict]) – Configuration parameters to the executed Task. for example: {‘Args/batch’: ‘12’} Notice: not available when reuse_task=True/

    • task_overrides (Optional[dict]) – Change task definition. for example {‘script.version_num’: None, ‘script.branch’: ‘main’} Notice: not available when reuse_task=True

  • Return type


  • Returns

    True if job is successfully added to the scheduling list



Return all triggers (models, datasets, tasks) :rtype: List[BaseTrigger] :return: List of trigger objects

  • Return type




Start the Task trigger loop (notice this function does not return)



Start the Task TaskScheduler loop (notice this function does not return)

  • Parameters

    queue (str) – Remote queue to run the scheduler on, default ‘services’ queue.

  • Return type
